If you haven’t been following John Krasinky’s Some Good News YouTube channel you should. It’s a digest of the good things happening around the world (side note—Hamilton fans should definitely watch episode 2).
Despite the grim news we’re often inundated with, for the natural products industry there’s really a lot of good happening. Here’s a rundown on what’s at the top of our list:
Giving back
Over 45 + global organizations are helping restaurant workers and farmers. Authors Jared Kaufman and Elena Seeley are doing a great job of keeping this up to date in this article on FoodTank.
WholeFoods Magazine lists a number of organizations giving back in this article.
Clif bar + company donated 3 million bars to health care workers.
Rick Polito + crew produced “Workin from home”. What started as simple social hilarity moves into charity and is driving major donations. To Bon Jovi’s Foundation…..
Steve Meyers wrote a nice recap piece of companies doing good in Insider. Read it here.
Mondelez is donating $15 million in financial and in-kind support to food stability and emergency.
Lycored has started a letters to a stranger initiative to help foster connections and for every letter written, they will add fresh fruit or vegetables to California food bank Food4hungry.org delivery.
Industry Advocacy & Successes
Dietary supplement sales are skyrocketing as people become more health-minded.
The U.S. dietary supplement industry has come together and is commending FDA for taking action to protect consumers by calling out marketers who make illegal and unsubstantiated drug claims related to COVID-19.
NPA continues to advocate for the US industry by monitoring for states that may not be allowing health food stores to remain open and generating calls to action.
IADSA is conducting a global education effort to remind everyone supplements do not cure COVID-19 and promote a responsible industry.
The Natural Products industry is also continuing to grow and HIRE. If you or someone you know is looking for a job, here are a few industry organizations that are hiring:
And here’s a full list of companies hiring on Linkedin.
On the TTC side, my colleague Nathan has started the Zoom & Crown virtual pub. If you feel like having a chat, you can join anytime to catch up with friends or strangers—just like a real pub.
While times may be dark, there continues to be beacons of light in our community. What did we miss?